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2023-05-20 23:33:00 来源:乐拇指




2、 到2010年,美吉姆在全球25 国家和地区已经开设了超过200家儿童教育中心,每年都有超过100万的儿童享受美吉姆带来的适龄的、非竞争性的课程。


4、 成为美吉姆的伙伴,您可以享有优厚薪酬待遇和广阔的职业发展空间,我们为您提供: 舒适、愉快、张弛有度的工作环境,为您更好的工作提供最大的便利; 2、完善的培训体系,我们比您更重视您的职业发展和未来规划; 3、丰富多彩的团队活动,人性化管理及公平的升迁发展机制; 4、全员带薪年假 Founded in 1983 in the USA, My Gym hasbeen at the cutting edge of the child early learning industry in the world forover 20 years. My Gym has created an extraordinary program and facility whichis devised to help children -six weeks to thirteen years- develop physically,cognitively and emotionally. With 210 centers spreading over 30 countries and regionsaround the world, My Gym improves the lives of children and families by helpingchildren acquire the skills, confidence and positive self-image needed tobecome healthy young adults. Now My Gym comesto China.The positions are needed to pioneer its Centers in Beijing, which will lead to greater careeradvancement in the company in the future.城西店:西湖区文三西路31号-2(文三西路丰潭路口)城东店:杭州市上城区复兴...[查看全部]。

